North Hill Park

The District maintains the 8.7-acre park located in the middle of the North Hill neighborhood. The park includes several amenities including the following:

  • Full court basketball court
  • Picnic pavilion
  • Playground
  • Climbing pyramid

Park Hours: 6:00am to 10:00pm every day

Thornton Dog Leash Ordinances
Thornton animal control ordinances apply to all open spaces--including the park and playground area -- maintained and operated by the District.  City of Thornton's' Animal Control Division is responsible for enforcing the City's animal control ordinances.

Per section Article II Section 46-33 of the City's ordinances all pets must be under the control of the owner at all times. 

This section does not apply to dogs running off leash within the physical confines of an area designated by the City as an off-leash dog park site. The North Hill park, playground and surrounding areas are 
not designated as an off-leash dog park site.

Please contact City of Thornton's Animal Control Department directly regarding any questions or concerns about City animal control ordinances and related enforcement actions.